Tag: Delinquent Filing Program
Justice Department Focusing on Offshore Account
By Sanford Millar of MillarLaw A Professional Corporation On Sunday, October 11, 2015
At a recent tax conference a senior Justice Department official reaffirmed thte commitment of the U.S. Department of Justice to continue offshore enforcement efforts. As is widely reported the official stated: “We are well beyond Switzerland at this point,” she said, citing enforcement announcements concerning India, Israel, Liechtenstein, Panama, the British Virgin Islands, and, most … Continue reading Justice Department Focusing on Offshore Account
Can Spys and Criminals Make Voluntary Disclosures?
By Sanford Millar of MillarLaw A Professional Corporation On Monday, August 10, 2015
A recent article about convicted spy Jonathan Pollard speculated about the effects on his parole if he had an unreported foreign financial account. The simple truth is that Mr. Pollard would be ineligible for the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) if he held direct or beneficial ownership in a foreign financial account(s) which had $10,000 … Continue reading Can Spys and Criminals Make Voluntary Disclosures?

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